2017 New Year Lectures of City University Education Forum Successfully Held
Release date:2017/01/18
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In the morning of January 14, 2017, City U Education Forum successfully contributed two lectures in the coming New Year. Prof. Liu Tiefang, Associate Dean of Faculty of Education from Hunan Normal University, and Prof. Hu Bicheng, Associate Dean of Educational Science Research Institute from Hunan University, brought two brilliant lectures for all participated students.


From sharing an educational anecdote, Prof. Liu started his speech The Pedagogical Meaning and Practical Paths of Individual Development, and illustrated three stages of an individual’s development, namely, adolescents, youths, and adulthood. Based on the analysis of how education plays the key role in the process of individual’s development, Prof. Liu argued the elementary education should get involved in family life; while the higher education should include the content of marriage, family, and lifelong development.


Prof. Hu Bicheng mainly discussed the significance of journal articles’ quality as well as the personality of authors. Based on the editing experiences as the chief-editor of Academy of Education Studies and University Education Science, Prof.Hu argued that writing papers is a creative work. Because of different characters, education background, and cultural biology, different authors wrote different papers. Prof. Hu demonstrated that the reading quantities are quite important, especially in such a big data period.


In the final Q&A session, focusing on issues like family education, reading and learning process, and articles writing, the participated students explored a heated discussion with the two professors. They all expressed that the two insightful and humorous lectures inspired them to have further considerations about their thesis work and even personal development.
