CityU Education Forum 16: Doctor Zhu Jiade from Wenzhou University shared the Status and Future of Teachers’ Participation of University Governance
Release date:2018/03/22
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On March 13th, 2018, Doctor Zhu Jiade, Deputy Director of Higher Education Institute, Wenzhou University and Visiting Scholars of City University of Macau, was invited to be the guest speaker of CityU Education Forum! As the 16th speaker of the forum, Dr. Zhu shared his former research: Teachers participate in University Governance: Issues and Challenges, and explained the research procedures in detail.


At the beginning, Dr. Zhu talked about how he found a research problem. First, He concerned his surroundings and looked at the internal governance of the universities for captured the research ideas. Second, he analyzed those ideas from practical and theoretical dimensions and built up his research questions. Third, Dr. Zhu refined the questions with the changes around the universities. In the research process, he found several cases which matched his research question and in-depth analyzed in different dimensions. Finally, he found three major discoveries through analyzing four case studies. After that, Dr. Zhu shifted his research direction to the historical dimension. He referred the changes of internal universities governance since the appearance of universities and pointed out several major patterns in Western countries during the changes. Meanwhile, he knew that the governance pattern of Chinese Universities are based on Western Universities and introduced the governance system of Chinese universities over years. After integrated the above analysis, Dr. Zhu concluded that the future reform of Chinese universities need more emphasis on the democratic rights of university stakeholders. He also noted the shortcomings of the current system, analyzed the causes in detail and focused on the challenges in the future. At last, he proposed his thoughts and explored the relationship between the resolution effectiveness and resolution legality of universities internal governance, and indicated the hope and risk of accumulate effectiveness for strengthen legality.


When the speech ended, students gave responses and felt well as the speech helped them have more understanding about refining and finding more research questions. In the final Q & A session, Dr. Zhu discussed with students about the status and future of universities governance, he replied with a series of instances and assumed that reform is a long-term process and look forward to having a better research career in the future.
