Hui Liu, Professor
Release date:2024/03/22
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Ph.D., Department of Education, Xiamen University, Fujian, China, 2007.

Med, Department of Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China,1988


1. Executive Director of China Association for Higher Education Management.

2. Executive Director of the Higher Education Committee of the China Higher Education Association.

3. Vice President of Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Committee.

4. Vice President of Guangdong Provincial Education Policy and Planning Committee.

5. Executive Director of the First Council of Guangdong Education Research Union.

6. Vice President of Guangzhou Whole Brain Education Research Association.

7. Senior Visiting Scholar of University of Staffordshire, UK.

8. Visiting Professor of National Pingtung University, Taiwan.


Currently, the research focuses on the following areas:

1. Higher Education Quality Assurance Policy;

2. Modern University Administration and Governance;

3. Urban Education Planning.


1. The First Prize of Guangdong Provincial Teaching Achievement Award.

2. 2 Second Prize and 4 Third Prize of Guangdong Provincial Social Sciences Research Award.

3. The Title of “Outstanding Teacher in Guangdong Province”.

4. The Object of Academic Cultivation of “One Thousand, Hundred and Ten” Project in Guangdong Province.

5. The Object of Academic Cultivation of “Ten, Hundred and Thousand” Project in Guangdong Province Propaganda and Education System.



1. Liu Hui, (2015). Review of Chinese Education Policy. Beijing: China social science press.

2. Liu Hui, Tang Xiaomeng, (2013). Chinese Model of Higher Education. Beijing: China social science press.

3. Liu Hui,(2008). The Governance of Local Universities. Beijing: China social science press.

4. Liu Hui, Li Yi, Yang Xiaoxia (2007).The Study on the Feature of Local Universities. Beijing: China social science press.

5. Liu Hui, Li Yi, Lei Xiaoyun, Li Haiyan, Yang Xiaoxia(2007). Build a New Guangzhou University Based on Broad Mind. Guangzhou: Jinan university press.

Referred Journal Articles

1. Idealist versus pragmatist motivation for becoming a teacher: A Comparison between US and Chinese teacher candidates using the FIT-Choice Scale(2008 Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)).

2. Motivation to teach: Profiles of Chinese teacher candidates(The 2012 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA).

3. Initial Motivation for Teaching: Comparison between Pre-service Teachers in the United States and China in Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (SSCI,Vol.40,No.3,August 2012,227-248).

4. “New University Movement” for Thirty Years in China--- Reflection on History of Local University in China from 1979 to 2009, The 6th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms, Mexico City, November 9- 11, 2009.

5. Chinese Model of Lifelong Education System Establishment--on Timing of Integration of Higher Education into Lifelong Education, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium(ISTP,201204).

6. The Current Situation, Problems, and Countermeasures of Undergraduate Education Reform in the Local University with the Orientation of Students, Journal of Higher Education, Volume34, Issue 12, Dec 2013.

7. The Changing Role of Governance in China’s Higher Education System, International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education,Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016.

8. Twenty-five Years of Quality Assurance in European Higher Education Area: Policy, Research and Practice, Educational Research, General, No. 438, No.7, 2016.
