胡曉 助理教授
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2023 The University of Hong Kong, Post-doctoral fellow

2021-2023: The University of Hong Kong, Academic advisor

2018 The Education University of Hong Kong, Senior Research Assistant

2017-18 The University of Hong Kong, Senior Research Assistant

2016-17 The University of Hong Kong, Research Assistant 1



Language learning motivation, individual differences, students’ L2 selves, and instructional approaches



BOE 201 English Reading III

BOE 205 English Writing III

BOE 206 Academic Writing I

MAL 113E Second Language Learning and Acquisition



Hu, X.*, Hennebry-Leung M., (2024). (accepted). Exploring the process of L2 demotivation: cases from junior high school EFL learners in China. English Teaching & Learning. (ESCI & SJR, Q1)

Hennebry-Leung, M., & Xiao, H. A. (2023). Examining the role of the learner and the teacher in language learning motivation. Language Teaching Research27(1), 30-56. (SSCI, Q1)

Hu, X.*, Hennebry, M. L., & Cheung, C. L. (2019). Language learning motivation of students from a special educational school in Hong Kong. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 68-81. (SJR, Q3)

Hennebry‐Leung, M., Gayton, A., Hu, X. A., & Chen, X. (2019). Transitioning From Master’s Studies to the Classroom: From Theory to Practice. TESOL Quarterly. (SSCI, Q1)

Hennebry, M., Hu, X., Cheung, K., (2018). Motivating your students. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (The teaching manual has been delivered to around 500 Hong Kong secondary schools.)



2021 Research Postgraduate Conference, the University of Hong Kong, China

Research report: The interplays between L2 selves and instructed L2 learning (Best presentation award)

2019 New College Research Seminar, the University of Hong Kong, China

Research report: Video­conferencing as an approach to promote educational equity

2018 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning, Japan

Paper presentation: Teacher motivation in distance education

2017 ALANZ/ALAA/ALTAANZ Applied Linguistics Conference, New Zealand

Paper presentation: Promoting language learning motivation of students with special educational needs



The University of Hong Kong (Academic advisor)

The University of Tasmania, LinguaLab (Member)
