Welcome to the School of Education at City University of Macau!
The School of Education was established in February 2014. The School offers three graduate degree programs: Master of Education, Master of Teaching and Learning Studies, and Doctor of Philosophy in Education. Each year, the School rigorously selects and admits 150 master's students and 60 doctoral candidates. In the academic year 2024-2025, the School has enrolled several batches of postgraduates and doctoral students from both domestic and international backgrounds. Currently, the School has over 500 registered graduate students.
The School of Education at is renowned for its top-tier educational standards and focus on graduate education, offering students a broad range of educational research fields. Our school is composed of both full-time and part-time teachers, with the college inviting renowned domestic and international education experts and scholars as distinguished professors to form a diverse team of graduate mentors. The aim is to provide students with cutting-edge and personalized teaching and research guidance.
The School engages scholars with significant academic influence in the field of education, doctoral supervisors, and professors as speakers. We regularly organize academic lectures, forums on hot topics, academic salons, and advanced research activities. The School also frequently hosts international academic and cultural exchange visits and actively participates in international and regional academic seminars and graduate forums, including those in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. For students, while classroom learning is a crucial aspect of graduate education, engaging in various academic activities, staying informed about the latest developments, and fostering a spirit of scientific research are equally important. The School is committed to the development of Macau and the Greater Bay Area. Our students are mainly from Macao, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and the Chinese-speaking regions. Although our curriculum is conducted in Chinese, we require students to have an international perspective in education and to extensively engage with research materials from both Chinese and international sources to foster their international academic standards.